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1 October, 2007 By Rev. Ted Pike

Recently, I have explained how the evidence indicates that new right leaders and Republican Senators conspired to help the hate bill pass. Except for Orrin Hatch, Senators remained silent for days on the floor of the Senate, shunning many opportunities to speak out against the hate bill. At Website I document how for nearly a week prior to hate bill passage, no major new right watchdog group effectively motivated its supporters to defeat the hate bill through calls to Senators. 1

Yet some could ask: “So what if the hate bill passed? It was for a good cause, to give President Bush the opportunity to veto it and thus bolster his prestige and that of Republicans in their efforts to thwart the evil Democrats. Why weaken peoples’ confidence in new right leadership just when we all need to pull together against hate crimes legislation?”

I must speak out because no movement, masking lies and deception, can overcome evil as diabolical as hate laws. Often, virtually alone, our National Prayer Network was instrumental in defeating the hate bill. In 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2006 defeat of the hate bill came not because of clever strategies and numbers but because God fought for America , causing confusion in the hate bill ranks. This past week, however, Christian/conservative leaders resorted to a “brilliant” scheme that required doing the opposite of what they had promised their supporters. As a result, they went into folly, helping freedom’s enemies. In contrast, the pro-hate bill forces had perfect clarity and vigor.

With the defense authorization bill two months overdue, President Bush is under extreme pressure not to honor his August 4 promise to send the arms bill and the attached hate crimes bill back to the Senate. Debate and deliberations over removal of the hate bill could occupy weeks, seriously delaying vital supplies to our troops in Iraq . Be assured that pro-hate bill, anti-war Democrats will delay removal of the hate crimes amendment as long as possible.

Leaders of the new right allowed the hate bill to pass, confident Bush would honor his word. What if he doesn’t? What if he can’t, for compelling reasons of national security? America will become a hate crimes bureaucracy like Canada's, and there will be nothing we can do to stop it.

If the President does veto the hate bill, lovers of freedom must gear up to defeat it in 2009. To do that, hearts and hands must be clean, especially those of our leaders. Scripture says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” (Psalm 66:18) For new right leaders to encourage calls and petitions against the hate bill and at the same time subvert efforts of their supporters by depriving them of vital alerts just when such calls to action would almost certainly lead to victory is deceitful, manipulative and just plain wrong. It is to speak and act out a lie.

New right leaders must repent to the American people whom they have betrayed. Regardless of the political consequences, even if it shakes the White House, these leaders must come clean. Scripture says that unless we confess and forsake our sins, God will not help us. In ancient Israel, the Hebrews were routed and collectively punished in military conflict because one man, Achan, and his family, violated God’s command by burying forbidden Canaanite booty under a rug in his tent. How much more will we be weakened in the hate bill fight if virtually all major new right leaders attempt to sweep this travesty under their rug!

Yes, we need every Christian/conservative group and leader in the dark days of liberalism ahead. By requiring leaders to confess, I do not attempt to weaken them or their authority. Telling the whole truth now will only ultimately empower them. One of the greatest biblical heroes, David, sinned grievously, committing both adultery and murder. Yet when he repented, he found immediate forgiveness and even restoration by God.

When we sin and don't confess, we must sin even more to cover up. We become wicked, maligning and persecuting those who call our sins to remembrance. Scripture says, “He who covers his sins shall not prosper.” (Proverbs 28:43) The time for repentance on the part of religious right leaders from Colorado Springs to Congress is sooner, not later.

At stake is the reputation of Christ and His cross to produce a level of godliness and morality which cannot be achieved without Him. If we allow Bill Clinton to deceive the American people on the stand, mocking God, his oath of office and his wedding vows, and we also allow Christian/conservative leaders to mislead their followers, manipulating their energies and idealism, then we are saying there is no difference between the world and the church. Whether under a Capitol dome or a steeple, it's all power politics.

Also, if Christian leaders don't repent, how can they expect repentance of the laity? If repentance is not required of one who has done wrong, then the cross of Christ is mocked; He came and died without purpose or effect upon us.

This confirms the opinion of the world that not only do hypocrites infest the pulpits and pews of Christendom but that Christianity itself is a farce, lacking real power to change our motives and actions.

These leaders must demonstrate now through repentance and renewed faith that there is a difference between them and Clinton — that Christ does empower those who put their trust in Him, those who practice self-denial, not self-preservation.

Many of these leaders originally mixed religion with politics as a high moral calling, a ministry to bring revival and restoration to America . Yet, clearly, they have become corrupted by the system and by their own power. It is imperative now that they believe and act in accordance with what they have always taught — that God and His truth are the only real basis of goodness and power, both spiritual and political.

These leaders should remember how in scandals of the past (Nixon, Clinton , Bakker, Swaggart, etc.) lying and delay only made the consequences much, much worse. The fact that new right leaders failed to give warning about the hate bill crisis in the days preceding its passage cannot be denied. It is chronicled in four daily e-alerts last week, written at the height of the hate bill crisis (

The world is watching to see what Christianity really means. If these leaders of Christian “watchdog” organizations do not come clean, they are no longer those who defend Christianity, but those who destroy it.


1. Earlier in September, Dr. James Dobson on his broadcast strongly influenced the forces of the religious right to believe that ENDA was the most dangerous type of hate crimes legislation and that the President was eminently worthy of our trust to veto the hate bill. In a subsequent poll of 30 new right leaders by insider Guy Adams, he found that a third had given up all organized opposition to the hate bill, and most of the remainder agreed with Dobson that the President would destroy it. On September 11 the Department of Defense authorization bill was introduced, and on September 14 Kennedy tried to unite the hate bill to it as a unanimous consent agreement without allowing debate. By September 19 and 20, Focus on the Family, Traditional Values Coalition, Family Research Council, and Concerned Women for America finally sounded internet warnings against the hate bill. Yet, they were devoid of any argumentation that the people should bear responsibility to defeat the hate bill, not the President. Focus on the Family did deliver a petition of more than 100,000 names protesting the hate bill. Yet, NPN polls showed relatively little or no phoning went into the Senate right up until the hate bill passed. This is in sharp contrast to the three million plus calls these organizations could have generated during this crisis period. Finally, on September 26, on the afternoon before the hate bill passed, Focus on the Family, Traditional Values Coalition, and Family Research Council sounded the alarm. Yet such warning was not effective since Senate offices would soon be closing, and by 10 a.m. EST , Thursday morning, Senators were already on the floor of the Senate to debate and vote on the hate bill.

The Christian/conservative organizations receiving my emergency alerts in the days before hate bill passage, yet giving no timely or effective warning of imminent hate bill passage include Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, American Family Association, Faith2Action, and Christian Values Coalition. While not a Christian organization, WorldNetDaily was also silent.


New right leaders put us and freedom utterly at the mercy of the President. Yet, God has promised to never fail us if we put all our trust in Him. America must now turn to God as never before, calling to Him in repentance, fasting and prayer.

Also, remember ENDA, "The Employment Non-Discrimination Act," H.R. 2015, will soon be up for a vote in the House. This workplace hate crimes bill would make it a federal offense to discriminate against homosexuals in renting, hiring or firing, even in “non-spiritual” areas of churches. Call your House member immediately in protest, toll free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-224-3131.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

Breaking News

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

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Contact Truthtellers

Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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